Tuesday, January 28, 2014

31 Weeks

Woah, woah, woah... I am 31 weeks today and it seems hard to believe! Sometimes it feels like I have been pregnant forever, especially when my pelvis is hurting, but other days seem to fly by and I can't believe I am 31 weeks.  Since I will be induced at 39 weeks, if the baby isn't here, that means I only have 8 weeks left! How is that possible?  We started a new semester with kids today, and when I told them about the long term sub coming in less than 8 weeks, none of them believed me.  Although I LOVE teaching, I am SO excited to have 8 weeks with just my little one and no students :)

How Far Along: 31 Weeks!

Size of Baby: A coconut or a bunch of asparagus.  Even though that is what it says online, our baby is a "high achiever" because at our 29 week appointment, the baby should have been around 2.5 pounds and our baby measured over 3.5 pounds... yikes!

Sleep: Between the recliner and bed, I am doing okay. I am up every 2-3 hours, but hey, that's what it will be like with the baby, right?
Best Moment of the Week: Cory painted the closet to match the room, so everything is yellow now. I got some of the storage cubes and bins put in the closet, so it looks even more real than before.  We also received our rainforest rocker in the mail from one of my mom's friends. She isn't able to come to the shower, so she sent it to our house.  Cory wanted to put it together right away, so we did :) I love it!
Miss Anything: Sleep, but I won't complain :)
Movement: Yes and I can finally feel a little bit of movement above my belly button.  Normally every bump and kick is below the bellow button, so this is cool.
Food Cravings/Aversions: Ice cream with mini dark chocolate chips, waffles, and cereal.
Unusual Symptoms: I HATE the Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction I have because it is SO painful.  I laid in the recliner all weekend and that helped, but it isn't fun at all.
Anything Making you Queasy or Sick: Nope... this is a HUGE change for me, which I love.
Gender: I think it is a boy, but only God knows!
Labor Signs: Not that I know of.
Looking Forward To: The entire month of February because there are so many exciting things happening!
Countdown: 63 Days! However, my doctor won't let me go past March 25th, so it's actually less :)

Have a great week, friends!

Until next time, God bless!

Monday, January 13, 2014

28 Weeks

Wow! Where in the world has the time gone? I had really planned on doing bi-weekly posts about our sweet baby J, but somehow life got so busy and there never seemed to be enough time to sit down and actually write.However, with that said, I think I should do my 28 week post (even though I'll be 29 weeks tomorrow) because many things have changed since the lovely 21 week post!

How Far Along: 28 Weeks!

Size of Baby: A Head of Lettuce... where do they come up with these sizes? We have our follow-up appointment with the MFM doctor on Wednesday, so hopefully I'll get some accurate measurements :)

Sleep: This has become more and more challenging.  Sleeping isn't the problem, but when I lay on my side, I get extreme pelvic and pubic pain which is almost unbearable. When that happens, I end up sleeping on my back at night, which isn't good. I've slept in the recliner the last two nights and that seems better, but then our cat sleeps on me the whole night.  I feel like the lack of sleep is just God preparing me for what is about to come!
Best Moment of the Week: We started our nursery on New Years Eve and I am so happy with the progress so far.  I have two current students, who are seniors, and they desperately wanted to be a part of the nursery, so they painted the walls a light yellow.  Once that was done, my mom came down and painted a tree in one of the corners of the room.  It is a white, whimsical looking tree with green leaves. I was pretty nervous to have her paint it, just because I have a little OCD, but it looks sweet. Then she painted a beehive from it and painted little bees to match the bedding.  Somehow, it all came together and I LOVE it! My dad and Kevin came down last Sunday and put the crib together, since they gave it to us for Christmas, and now that is ready, too.  We worked really hard New Years Eve week and I am thankful for that. Obviously we still have time and a ways to go, but the big stuff is done.
Miss Anything: Sleep, but I won't complain :)
Movement: YES, finally! I didn't actually believe I was feeling the baby until I was listening to the heartbeat on the doppler and I could hear the kicks.  Baby J is super super low though, so it startles me, but I love the little reminders.
Food Cravings/Aversions: Cravings- Waffles and any kind of waffles! Oh, and I am on a huge breakfast kick, so cereal, eggs, pancakes, oatmeal, etc- yummy! Aversions- I'm not a big fan of meat.
Unusual Symptoms: Like I said earlier, I have been having a lot of lower abdominal and pelvic pain. My doctor said it is because the baby is so low and it is causing Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (fun name, huh?). It gets really bad if I sit too long or keep my legs together, which is such a pleasant sight, so I have to keep moving and make sure to put large pillows between my legs.
Anything Making you Queasy or Sick: Besides a fluke vomit session after the glucose test and a vomit session from coughing so much, I haven't thrown up since week 25... I feel like a new woman!
Gender: I think it is a boy, but only God knows!
Labor Signs: When I was having that lower pain, I thought it could be labor, but my doctor assured me it was Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, so that is good!
Looking Forward To: I have a follow-up appointment with our MFM doctor in two weeks, so I am really excited to get a good look at the baby again!
Countdown: 78 Days! However, my doctor won't let me go past March 25th, so it's actually less :)

Have a great week, friends!

Until next time, God bless!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Prayers for a Friend

Hey, friends! Sorry it has been so long since I've written, but with the holidays and traveling, I haven't had time to sit down and actually write.  I was hoping I could ask you to please pray for one of my friends and her husband.  

They have been struggling with infertility for the past two years and have been going through infertility treatments for awhile now.  They struggle with the why, they get upset that things aren't going in the right directions, and they lose hope that things will ever work out for them.  As I watch them go through this, I can't help but hurt right alongside them because I remember being in their shoes. I remember the countless medications. I remember the countless negative tests. I remember the hurt, the pain, and the hours of crying.  It sucks, but I remember... I know they are going to be wonderful parents because of their passion for life and love of each other, and I wish I could take away their pain, but I can't.  All I can do is pray, offer up words of encouragement when they need them, listen, and empathize with what they are going through.  It is so hard to understand God's plan and why things happen the way they do, but I firmly believe He has an ultimate plan for all of us, and even though we don't understand the plan, it is there and it will all work out. 

If you wouldn't mind, could you please say a prayer and ask God to fill their hearts with peace?  There are so many unknowns in the infertility world, but once we have peace in our hearts, things start to feel a little better. I also ask that you pray for prayers of strength for them.  It is hard not to get discouraged and give up, but because they are stubborn and strong-willed, I know they will continue the fight and be blessed with a child one way or another.  Thank you for your prayers and listening ears because they really do help.  You are all so great and I am thankful to have you in my life.  

Until next time... God bless!