Wow! Am I late to this post or what! Landon turns one next week and I am finally getting around to writing his eleven month post. There has been so much going on in our life, that I have found it hard to sit down and write everything with attention to detail, like I want to. I really hope I can remember everything... yikes. I truly can't believe my sweet, little 6#10oz miracle baby is going to be ONE next week. I know it sounds cliche, but time has truly flown by and I have never been happier, yet sad at the same time. I have LOVED this past year and it is hard for me to know that he will no longer be this sweet little baby, but now he will be a sweet little toddler! I love watching him learn new things, but I'm having a hard time with this as well!
Weight: 23.5 pounds
Height: 29"
Miles Traveled: 11,408 miles! He traveled to West Concord and Rochester to visit some friends, work to visit mommy, Ham Lake to visit family and friends, and then to Rochester to go shopping! I love that I have been able to track his miles because it shows how well-traveled he is :)
Sleeping: Landon's sleep patterns have pretty much stayed the same, with the exception of a few rough days due to ear infections. We usually put him to bed between 7:30 and 8:00, after his bath and bottle, and then he sleeps until 6:00 or so. If he wakes up in the middle of the night, he either plays with his prayer bear or blanket, puts his pacifier in his mouth, and then falls back to sleep. Rarely does he cry, which I am thankful for.
Feeding: Landon loves to eat food, just like his mommy and daddy! When he wakes up, he has a 5 ounce bottle of formula. An hour later, he has oatmeal/waffle and fruit, which he loves. He can't seem to get enough of bananas and he loves pancakes! For lunch, he is on pretty much table food and he seems to like everything with food. Sometimes he will have a bottle with his lunch, but he usually just has his sippy cup with water in it. When he wakes up from his afternoon nap, he usually has some mum-mum crackers, yogurt melts, or puffs with his sippy cup. For dinner, he eats whatever we are having at night, but sometimes we incorporate some of his baby food, too, since we still have some left. The two fruits that are hit and miss are blueberries and pears! Sometimes he absolutely loves them, but other times, he acts like we are poisoning him when we feed them to him. It makes us laugh :) Nana gave him a few bites of ice cream cake, cool whip, and sandwich meat... she gets away with everything!
Clothing: He
is in 12 month clothes, mainly, but 18 month jammies because he is so
tall. I have started putting him in his 18 month clothes, too, but they are just a tad too big on him. The sizing on clothes is so weird.
Diaper Size: Size 4 Pampers, although size 3 fit, too!
Looks: He
has eight teeth right now (four on bottom and four on top), brown super curly
hair, deep blue eyes that look like mommy's, chubby little cheeks that just asked to be squished, daddy's smile/lip, and daddy's tiny ears. Now that he is crawling, he seems to be thinning out and losing the baby chub... boo!
He is definitely a miniature version of me, which is fun to see.
Nicknames: Ham Ball, Cheeks, baby Landon, lil' stinker
Likes: Landon LOVES life and anything put in front of him! Seriously, he plays with whatever toys you give him and loves to play. I have tried to just put a few toys around him, so he actually focuses on one toy for a longer period of time, but he just likes to get around. He started crawling on February 7th, and since then, he loves to crawl everywhere and get into everything :) I love playing hide and seek with him, chasing him while crawling, and playing peek-a-boo. Some of his favorite things include: bathtime, glow in the dark sea horse, prayer bear, bumble bee rocker, play table, mini kitchen, light up piano, PUZZLES, Bella, and books.
Dislikes: (Same
as before) Getting
his nose wiped and getting clothes pulled over his head. These things
have bugged him for several months, so I wonder if they'll ever change?! Ear infections! Seriously, he has had 5 now and they are always double ear infections. The poor kid gets so uncomfortable with them, so I am looking forward to meeting with the ENT department to talk about tubes.
Personality: This little boy is going to move mountains. If he wants something, he is bound and determined to get it or figure out how to make it work. He has an energetic personality and he loves to use his charm to his advantage! He knows how to work the system and it makes us laugh. If I tell him no-no, he usually shakes his head no-no, smiles, and then tilts his head and gives us a big cheese. Like I said, he knows how to work the system. Even when he is in pain with his ear infections, he still manages to give us a smile and cuddle time. He gets SO excited when he sees people he knows or when he sees Bella. His face lights up and he screams with excitement!
- Got a couple more teeth this month!
- He started crawling on Friday, February 6th at grandma B and Papa T's house! It was so much fun to watch him learn how to do this because he was so proud of himself!
- He
got another ear infection at the end of February and he has been miserable with them. This is his 5th one, so we are meeting with an ENT on the 17th because we need to figure something else out.
- He started pulling himself up on furniture on Saturday, February 14th, once again at grandma B and Papa T's house! I swear he waits to do everything for grandma and grandpa!
- Like I said earlier... Nana gave him many tasty treats this month!
- Loves his ECFE class and the kids at it.
Now for some pictures:
Valentine's Day... go figure he won't smile for mom and dad :) |
I sure wish the little ham would smile for me :) |
Watching cousin Patrick play basketball on Valentine's Day! |
Hamming it up for the camera! |
Hanging out at his buddy's baby shower...Harvey was born on March 1st! |
Reading our bedtime stories after bath :) |
So innocent... |
Uncle Kyle and Aunt Laura came to visit on January 30th while mommy and daddy had the Winter Formal! |
Good morning! Sad to say bye to aunty and uncle! |
:) |
I miss Target SO much! |
Do you think he likes bath time?! |
Rocking on his bumblebee rocker! |
They look so serious, but they weren't! Landon and Levi- born 2 days apart! |
Playing with aunty Danielle and Uncle Mike- buddy Harvey was born a month later! |
Saying our prayers <3 |
Helping daddy set his DJ equipment up for the Winter Formal! |
Valentine's Day party with friends! |
Two of my favorite people! |
The shirt says it all!! |