Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Landon Jay- Two Months 5/19

In case you didn't see it in my other posts, I am going to make my blog private. Although I don't want to, for the safety of our little guy, I need to.  There are too many creeps out in this world, so if you want me to add you to the list, PLEASE comment with your e-mail address and I will add you to the list.  I am new at this, so it may take me a while, but that is the plan!

My little Bugaboo at two months old!

Weight: 12 lbs 4 oz- He totally skyrocketed this month and is filling out nicely!
Height: 22 inches
Miles Traveled: We thought it would be fun to see how many miles Landon has traveled since he was born because we have been on the go, go go ever since! Since our best friends and family live 2-5 hours away, we knew Landon was going to be a traveler. Thankfully, he LOVES his car seat and traveling! I have taken him on a few overnight trips to my parents/grandparents by myself, and although it went well, it is easier to have my hubby in the car with me.  In his first two months, Landon has traveled 2,150 miles and those are just trip miles, not miles to my work, the grocery store, Target (which I'm obsessed with), etc... wow! We went to my doctor's office three times, my grandparent's house twice, my parent's house three times, Rochester for an appointment with my grandma, Mankato to meet my grandma and aunt for lunch, and a few other small trips.  I hope I can keep track of his miles, but we'll see!

Sleeping: He will sleep for 30 minutes in his crib around 9:00 and then again around noon, but 30 minutes is pushing it. If I held him in my arms, he could sleep for hours... little stinker. He sleeps around 3.5-4 hours at a time at night because he is a hungry little guy!

Feeding: Around 6 weeks, Landon was miserable. He was constipated and gassy, throwing up, and crying a lot with a rash on his face, so we took him to the doctor because I had a feeling it was his formula.  Well, lo and behold, Landon has to be on Enfamil Nutramigen formula because he is allergic to dairy. Once he started this formula, he was a new baby and felt SO much better! Unfortunately, the formula is outrageously expensive, $36/can, to be exact, and it only lasts 4 days right now. This has been a big adjustment for us, financially, but it is worth it because he feels much better!

Clothing: 0-3 month and some 3-6 month! He has skinny arms and legs, so some of the clothes don't fit quite right.

Diaper Changes/Sizes: Size 1. He still doesn't appreciate getting his diaper changed, but if we talk and sing to him, it is a little bit better.

Looks: He has dark blue eyes, but his hair looks brown with a hint of red in it. He used to look so much like his daddy, but everyone says he looks like me now, so I need to pull out the baby books and really look at them. Regardless, he definitely has both of our features and I think he is beautiful, but I am biased!
Nicknames: Bugaboo, snookums, half-pint, and peanut!

Likes: MUSIC, activity play mat, Fisher Price vibrating rocker, car seat, walks, riding in the car, snuggling, and baths.
Dislikes: Same as last month- diaper changes, being naked, and getting his clothes changed- I am glad he is a modest baby!
Personality: His personality is coming through and it is SO much fun! He found his smile at 7 weeks (5/14) and ever since then he has been cheesing it up.  He also found his hands and tongue at 8 weeks, so he sticks his tongue out just a little ways and then smiles, which makes me smile. I keep telling him that he can't stick his tongue out when he is older, but for now it is cute :) I think he is going to be an easy going baby, but he will be a talker, since I talk to him non-stop! 
Here are a few pictures:
Rocking out in his shades!
First date night since Landon was born- thanks mom and Tom!
Telling me a story- look at the hand movements!

Landon was baptized on Mother's Day <3
Landon's great-grandma made this gown and then all of the cousins wore it! On the skirt inside the gown, the baby's name, birthday, and baptismal date was embroidered by each new mama- what an experience!
Hanging out in his rocker!
Loving those dark blue baby blues!
Sleeping through mommy's student's baseball game!
Smiley boy!


  1. What a cutie! I love his expressions. I'd like to keep reading. My e-mail is

  2. He is so cute!!! I love him and you can see personality all over this boy!! I added your blog, so I think I'll be able to see it?

  3. He's so special, could I keep reading? WALL67@COMCAST.NET

  4. I would like to keep following your private blog! Your little guy is sooo cute. We have the same baseball outfit with the "Mommy's Little Champ" bib. Rylee hated to be changed for a long time as well, but now doesn't mind it. I think it scared her at first. I love Landon's cute little smile! I also think that baptismal gown and the idea of embroidering each baby's name and stats is such an incredible family tradition!
