Thursday, September 25, 2014

Landon's 1st Day of Daycare

Landon went to his first day of daycare on August 25th, 2014! I am SO thankful I was able to be home with him for the first five months of his life due to having the summers off. I couldn't imagine bringing him any earlier and I truly feel blessed to have had that long with him.  Bringing him to daycare was extremely hard for me. As in I cried the entire day before, the entire morning getting him ready, the entire ride to daycare, and then the entire ride to work. I cried throughout the day and then throughout the week. I NEVER would have imagined it would have been so hard to leave him.  I am so thankful he is at a wonderful daycare and has a chance to interact with other people and learn SO much, but it was awful! I had so many fears about leaving him, but thankfully those fears quickly diminished and it isn't nearly as hard to leave him. I think what made it so hard to leave him is that we have been through hell and back to have him and now someone else was going to be caring for our little miracle, our most prized baby. Our daycare provider loves him and is so good with him, so I am thankful for that. He is the only baby, which is nice for her and for him. The other kids love him and he smiles when he sees the other, kids too! I wanted to document a few pictures of his first day so I don't forget.  Is it June 2015 so I can be home with him, yet? :) Just kidding... kind of!

We gave him the book, "If I Could Keep You Little" for his first day of daycare and he loved it! He kept trying to turn the pages by himself and he didn't want me to hold the book. I love that he enjoys books! The book is a definite tear jerker though... yikes!

He was so smiley when I went to get him in the morning!
Goof ball!
"I'm going to daycare?! No way!"

Until next time, friends, God bless!


  1. I am just about getting ready to go back to work and I'm dreading it!!! Landon is so stinking cute, Katie! I'm glad to hear he's doing well at his daycare and most importantly that you are too!!

    1. Good luck, Aubrey! Honestly, it was SO hard for me to leave him and I guess that part took me by surprise. I knew I would be sad, but I never knew HOW sad I would be. I will say many prayers for you and ask that God gives you strength because it is challenging. With that said, coming home to him in the afternoon is the BEST feeling, ever! Thanks for your kind words!

  2. He is so stinkin' cute! I'm glad you have a great daycare that you are comfortable having him go to. It has to bring some comfort to know that he is well taken care of, even though I know it's hard!
