Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Prayers and Guidance, Please...

Good morning, friends! I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. I wish I could say the same, but honestly, I am a nervous wreck right now. We had our ultrasound recheck yesterday, to make sure everything was fine from the first ultrasound, but the tech found some concerns.  

First, she was not able to detect the outflow tracts from the heart.  This could be because the baby was active or because there is an abnormality, which could mean heart surgery, heart defects, etc.  Second, my doctor said I had quite a bit of extra amniotic fluid, which could be normal, or could be a sign of downs syndrome, genetic abnormality, blood incompatibility, etc.  Both of these concerns could be nothing, so that is what we are praying for... praying that God gives us a healthy baby who we have longed for, prayed for, cried for, and hoped for.  We know God can work miracles and He has a plan, but honestly, I am scared. Why does this have to happen to us? I realize it could be nothing, but why, after everything we've been through, do we have to experience this?  I know this sounds conceited and snotty, but we deserve a healthy baby and a stress-free pregnancy. I know so many others who have been through similar journeys and their journey has been tried and tested, too. I don't know where else I am going with this...

Obviously we are extremely nervous and scared, so they set us up with a Maternal Fetal Specialist on Wednesday morning at 9:00. At this appointment, we will meet with the physician, go through an extensive ultrasound, and pray for positive results.   It has been a long journey to get to this point, and we know God is in control and has a plan for us, but we are still very scared.  If you wouldn't mind, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and we will definitely keep you updated once we know more.  Since I'm pretty new to the blogging community, I don't have too many readers, but if you know someone who has been in this similar situation or has any advice, would you please direct them here? Thank you for always being there and for you unending support and encouragement, I greatly appreciate it. 

Until next time... God bless!


  1. I will definitely be keeping you and your baby in my thoughts and prayers. I would definitely be scared as well. It is very scary to think of the negative things that could go wrong. I will be praying that you have absolutely nothing to worry about and that MFM is able to find no further reason for concern. Is your appointment tomorrow Wednesday? If so, I am so glad they are getting you in so quickly. You do NOT sound conceited or snotty at all. You sound like a concerned mother that wants nothing more than a healthy baby. Hugs to you and lots and lots of prayer.

  2. Praying for you!!! Please keep us posted and know we're all rooting for you! xoxo

  3. Seeing prayers for you that everything turns out okay. You were certainly not conceited. Big hugs.

  4. Oh Katie! I'm so sorry about all of this. It sounds so scary and hard. Praying that it turns into absolutely nothing. Was your appointment yesterday? If so, hoping it went well and anxiously awaiting an update.
