Tuesday, November 19, 2013

21 Weeks

Hey, friends! Since My due date was moved ahead, I am officially 21 weeks today! It still doesn't feel real, but I wonder if it ever will?

How Far Along: 21 Weeks!

Size of Baby: A Carrot (According to babycenter, Baby J is 10 1/2 inches and 12 ounces, but at our 20 week appointment, Baby J was 11 inches long and 12 ounces)

Sleep: This has been so challenging this week. I don't mind getting up 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom, but I can not get comfortable for the life of me. Lately I've been waking up with a sore neck and lower back. Any suggestions on how to improve my sleep? I did get my brother's used body pillow, but I think it is too flat to make any difference. I'm thankful for this opportunity, but it is getting a little challenging at night. 
Best Moment of the Week: I finally figured out how I want to do our nursery! I'm not going to share the picture, but I will give a little background as to how I came up with it. While growing up, my grandpa always use to tickle us with his pointer finger and he called it the bumblebee. Throughout my pregnancy, my grandpa has referred to our baby as the little bumblebee and he always wants to know how the bumblebee is doing. Well, on Saturday night, we got a call that my grandpa is slowly losing his fight to cancer.  As my mom and I were shopping for fabric on Sunday to get ideas for the nursery, all of a sudden, I felt God talking to me and I knew I wanted to do a bee theme.I still have to figure some things out, but overall, I am SO excited, especially because it is unique and extremely meaningful to me.
Miss Anything: Sleep, but I won't complain :)
Movement: I found out that I have an anterior placenta, so it is going to take me a lot longer to feel Baby J... bummer!
Food Cravings/Aversions: Cravings- I cannot get enough of mashed potatoes, specifically, Applebee's mashed potatoes. I always liked potatoes, but this is to a whole new level! Aversions- I'm not a big fan of meat, so that is somewhat problematic right now. 
Unusual Symptoms: Nothing that I can really think of as far as symptoms go, but I did have something unusual happen. When we were at a wedding, many of my friends kept rubbing my stomach and talking to the baby. It was really sweet, but it caught me off guard because I'm not showing that much. However, they said they wanted the baby to know they were there, since he/she can hear now.
Anything Making you Queasy or Sick: Besides the usual (garbage and brushing my teeth), I had a run-in with my cat's treats. I was giving her the treats yesterday, and when I went to open up the container, the smell made me gag, which made me throw up on the kitchen floor and in the sink. Thankfully it was just my morning pills and water, but still, it was disgusting!
Gender: We will find out on April 1st :) However, I think it is a boy!
Labor Signs: I sure hope not!
Looking Forward To: I am going to visit my grandpa this weekend so we can take a certain picture I want for the nursery because I don't think he will make it to meet our baby :(  I am excited to see my other grandparents as well since they all live in the same town!
Countdown: 133 Days! 

Have a great week, friends!

Until next time, God bless!


  1. Love the bee theme idea!! How awesome that it has a special meaning and will always make you think of great memories :))

    Weird how smells can make you gag. I remember when I was pregnant, I got a box of clothes in the mail that I'd ordered online from Land's End Canvas. I opened it up and it just had a weird overpowering cardboard-y smell.....and I could not even LOOK at any of those clothes because they made me gag thinking of that smell! Finally about a year later I came around to being able to wear them.

  2. I love the bee theme! Sounds very cute and uniques, and even more special because of your grandpa. I'm sorry he is not well. I lost my own grandpa about a year and a half ago. Grandpa's hold a special place in our hearts :)
