Tuesday, January 28, 2014

31 Weeks

Woah, woah, woah... I am 31 weeks today and it seems hard to believe! Sometimes it feels like I have been pregnant forever, especially when my pelvis is hurting, but other days seem to fly by and I can't believe I am 31 weeks.  Since I will be induced at 39 weeks, if the baby isn't here, that means I only have 8 weeks left! How is that possible?  We started a new semester with kids today, and when I told them about the long term sub coming in less than 8 weeks, none of them believed me.  Although I LOVE teaching, I am SO excited to have 8 weeks with just my little one and no students :)

How Far Along: 31 Weeks!

Size of Baby: A coconut or a bunch of asparagus.  Even though that is what it says online, our baby is a "high achiever" because at our 29 week appointment, the baby should have been around 2.5 pounds and our baby measured over 3.5 pounds... yikes!

Sleep: Between the recliner and bed, I am doing okay. I am up every 2-3 hours, but hey, that's what it will be like with the baby, right?
Best Moment of the Week: Cory painted the closet to match the room, so everything is yellow now. I got some of the storage cubes and bins put in the closet, so it looks even more real than before.  We also received our rainforest rocker in the mail from one of my mom's friends. She isn't able to come to the shower, so she sent it to our house.  Cory wanted to put it together right away, so we did :) I love it!
Miss Anything: Sleep, but I won't complain :)
Movement: Yes and I can finally feel a little bit of movement above my belly button.  Normally every bump and kick is below the bellow button, so this is cool.
Food Cravings/Aversions: Ice cream with mini dark chocolate chips, waffles, and cereal.
Unusual Symptoms: I HATE the Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction I have because it is SO painful.  I laid in the recliner all weekend and that helped, but it isn't fun at all.
Anything Making you Queasy or Sick: Nope... this is a HUGE change for me, which I love.
Gender: I think it is a boy, but only God knows!
Labor Signs: Not that I know of.
Looking Forward To: The entire month of February because there are so many exciting things happening!
Countdown: 63 Days! However, my doctor won't let me go past March 25th, so it's actually less :)

Have a great week, friends!

Until next time, God bless!


  1. For some reason I thought you knew the gender! Exciting that you don't!!

    1. I have a STRONG intuition it is a boy, but really I have no idea! I'm dying here!

  2. The end is near!! Enjoy these last few weeks of your pregnancy.....even though I know some days it feels like it will never end :)))

    1. It is definitely getting closer, especially now that my due date has been moved way up! Today is one of those days where it feels like it will never end, yet I am thankful for it!

  3. I can't wait to see pics of the nursery. It sounds so cute. Good job for holding out and not learning if you are having a boy or girl yet! I bet you are anxious to find out!

    1. Thanks, Amber! Once we are done with the showers we will finish the nursery and post pictures! I am dying to know if this baby is a boy or a girl, but I do think it is a boy :) I hope you are doing great!
