Thursday, February 6, 2014

32 Weeks and Some Interesting News...

 This has been an interesting week, following our 31 week appointment, so enjoy the post and prayers are appreciated.

How Far Along: 32 Weeks!

Size of Baby: A jicama, whatever that is.  However, at our 31 week appointment, we found out the baby and I are measuring way ahead of schedule (I am measuring 38 weeks and baby is measuring over 35 weeks) and the baby is 5 1/2 pounds already! Therefore, this baby is way bigger than a jicama!

Sleep: The recliner has been my best friend this week. Although I still get up in the night, the pain has declined, which is so nice!

Best Moment of the Week: Of course seeing our baby on the ultrasound machine and the fact that I am finally in less pain. I wish I would have slept in the recliner sooner.

Miss Anything: Sleep and all of the movement I was feeling with the baby.

Movement: The movement has slowed down this week, but my doctor said that's okay because the baby is so so so low in my abdomen. I have a home doppler, so thankfully, if I ever get worried, I can listen to the sweet sound of baby J's heartbeat on the doppler.

Food Cravings/Aversions: I am hungry for anything lately, but I don't eat too much. I still love my breakfast food and of course ice cream with mini chocolate chips.

Unusual Symptoms: Nothing really unusual right now

Anything Making you Queasy or Sick: It's rare when I throw up, so I feel like I have turned a big leaf here!

Gender: I think it is a boy, but only God knows!

Labor Signs: At our appointment last week, the doctor noted that the baby is sitting very low, breech, and measuring very far ahead. Due to the increase in size and the baby's position, I will probably be having a c-section and the baby will probably be here by the middle of March.  This appointment scared the crap out of me because I have always envisioned a regular birth and now we won't get to have it.  I am thankful we can plan and prepare for a c-section, but I am scare of the recovery process (due to my size) and just the overall process of a c-section. I was talking with a few of my coworkers about how sad I was that I wouldn't get to hold our baby right when he/she is born and two of them said that as long as I request this ahead of time, and everything is okay with the baby, I will still be able to. This made me feel a lot better, so that was nice. Although the c-section and new due date weren't part of the plan, I know I can't control things and God is in control.

Looking Forward To: Our first baby shower this weekend with my mom's side of the family! I know there is going to be so much love put into this shower that it brings tears to my eyes to think about it already. I can't believe this shower is for OUR baby because I never thought I would get to this point.  It feels very surreal and overwhelming to a certain extent.  I can't wait to see all of our family and friends this weekend!
Countdown: 54 Days! However, my doctor thinks March 11th is more like my due date, so around 33 days... yikes!

Have a great week, friends!

Until next time, God bless!


  1. Wow! Your little one is growing big and strong! My boy always measured about 3 weeks ahead while in utero, and he's a tank now! The recovery for the c-section was much better than I thought it was going to be. I was petrified of having a cesarean, but now I look back and think maybe I had it easy. It was definitely super hard not getting to see my babies right after or really much at all the first few days, but that was because of stupid preeclampsia. Hopefully you won't have any of those issues and it's as smooth as can be with a precious, healthy little one to hold

    1. Thank you so much for your input, Amber. I was really worried about the recovery with a C-section, and the fact that I won't be able to see the baby much, but you have put my mind at ease. How long until you could lift and move around without much pain? I really hope I don't end up with preeclempsia, so that is what I am praying for. Thank you again! God bless!

  2. Hope everything goes smoothly. You're almost to the finish line.
