Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Landon Jay- One Month Old 4/19

In case you didn't see it in my other post, I am going to make my blog private from here on out. Although I don't want to do this, for the safety of our little guy, I need to.  There are too many creeps out in this world, so if you want me to add you to the list, PLEASE comment with your e-mail address and I will add you to the list.  I am new at this, so it may take me a while, but that is the plan!

I wanted to take official "One Month" photos, but with the death of my grandpa and his funeral on Landon's one month birthday, it just didn't work out. Plus, in all honesty, I was so exhausted the first month and I was happy I made this collage.  I copied this from the blog, "Life as I Know it" so thank you in advance!

I can't remember everything from one month, but these are my best guesses!

Weight: 8 lbs 10 oz

Height: 20 inches
Miles Traveled: Started keeping track at 2 months.

Sleeping: Landon is a great napper when he is in someone's arms.  Since we travel so much, we are with our family/friends a lot, so he is always being held and loved by people. He sleeps in 2.5hour increments (since that is when he eats) at night and naps quite a bit, so that makes things nice. I try to sleep when he sleeps, but it always seems like there is something to do.
Feeding: I really wanted to breastfeed him/pump and bottle feed, but unfortunately, my milk supply never really came in. I gave it a good month, but I was only producing 1/2 an ounce when I would pump for 30 minutes from both sides, so I stopped.  We had him on Similac Complete Nutrition, but that made him super constipated, so we switched to Gerber Good Start Gentle. This was the trick for a while... He started out eating 2 ounces every two hours and gradually moved to 2.5 ounces and then 3 ounces by the end of the month.

Clothing: Newborn! I NEVER would've guessed he would be in newborn clothes, since our doctor predicted him to be a big baby, but newborn clothes are so fun! My step-dad went to Once Upon a Child and purchased a bunch of newborn sleepers for us, so that was fun because it made him seem smaller for a longer amount of time.
Diaper Changes: Newborn! We had to purchase newborn diapers because I exchanged the newborn diapers we did receive because I didn't think we would ever need them... I was wrong :)

Looks: Blue eyes and light brownish/blonde hair. Sometimes I think he has a hint of red in his hair, but it is hard to tell.  He definitely looks like his daddy with his big eyes and teeny ears, but I think he has my nose! He has the cutest dimple and I can't wait for him to show it off when he smiles.
Nicknames: Half-pint, peanut, snookums, buddy... these are the main nicknames for now. 
Likes: MUSIC, his car seat, walks in his stroller/car seat, riding in the car, snuggling, and baths, once we figured out we needed warmer water!
Dislikes: Diaper changes, being naked, and getting his clothes changed- I am glad he is a modest baby!
Personality: He is a pretty easy baby. He had a hard time with the Similac Complete Nutrition formula because it made him super constipated and gassy, but once we switched that, things seemed to be a little bit better, but still not great.  He loves to look at the lights and is completely fine just hanging out and listening to people talk to him.  He loves people and is my little buddy!
Here are a few pictures:
I LOVE bath time!
Just hanging out on my activity mat!
Mommy's friends with their new babies, my new friends! Jena with Levi and Brittany with Aubrielle!
You talking to me?
Coming home from the hospital... this outfit was a bit too big!
Snoozing away in my football outfit... I was just a couple of weeks old!
Rock on! Twins Home Opener!
Waiting in line for the Easter bunny... I wasn't impressed :)
I can't believe we are on to month two... God bless!


  1. He's so cute! Also I want to be able to keep following :) Aubrey.blair@gmail.com

  2. I am sorry to hear about your grandpa. How cute is little Landon!
