Thursday, May 30, 2013

We meet again, aunt Flo!

Ya know, I am really sick of meeting aunt Flo.  I mean I've never been a big fan of her, but now I really dislike hate her! I was able to start testing on Monday, the 27th, so of course I did.  It came back negative, so I tested again on the 28th, negative.  I didn't test on the 29th, because I felt like she was coming and I was right... she came today in the middle of work.  Part of my heart knew she was coming, but there was another part of me that had a little bit of hope that I was actually be pregnant, especially since it was just my birthday and that is all I wanted for my birthday.  Well, maybe for our anniversary next month? I am just so sad...

I am confused on this ovulating business.  When I went to Dr. T on the 13th, he said I had 3 mature follicles on one side and a few small ones on the other, as well as awesome lining.  He said I would probably ovulate within a day or two.  I had been testing, but it all came back negative.  When I got home late that night on the 13th, I tested and it came back positive, even though the morning test didn't.  Cory was already at work, so we missed that day.  My question is, did we miss that early window?  Obviously we took advantage of the next couple days, but is the day before ovulation and the first day of ovulation really important?  Should I be doing my Basal Body Temperature (BBT)?  I don't want to get too crazy with this, but I feel like for both months we missed the first day, so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it? Any ideas? I know I am more of a private blog and I haven't opened up to anyone close to me (besides a select few), but if you are reading this and you have an idea, can you please let me know? 

I called Dr. T to see what the next step is, so now we wait.  Tomorrow is the last day of school and I am ready for SUMMER! I was so sad to see my seniors leave, but knowing that I get these kiddos next year makes me want summer.  I need time away from kids, coworkers, and my classroom :) 

Well, until next time, God bless...

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