Friday, July 12, 2013

Some People...

For the past two months, we have been adding things to the docket to hopefully bring a life into this world.  After blood work, it was determined that I don't ovulate on a normal cycle. Therefore, it takes us a lot longer to get pregnant (11 and 13 months). Obviously we want to speed up this process, so I have been taking Letrozole (femara) and Clomid.  These medications have awful side effects- hot flashes, mood swings, headaches, constipation- just to name a few, but it will all be worth it when we have our child in our arms. I have heard some people say that taking medications to increase your chances of pregnancy isn't natural or "God's plan," but I say, until you have been in our exact shoes, zip it! I don't care if your mother's mom's sister's ex best friend got pregnant naturally... my body no longer will, all because of my miscarriages.  Can you tell I get sick of hearing this? Regardless, I am so thankful for the modern day medications that are helping my body produce the follicles it needs to, because lets me honest, I NEED those follicles :) God has blessed many wonderful people with the gift of medicine and the ability to create medicines that can help others, so why not embrace it, instead of criticize it? I tell ya, some people...

I heard this song on Pandora and I just loved it:


Until next time... God bless!