Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Plan- cd5

After our difficult past, I was bound and determined to find a new doctor who could tell me why we were miscarrying because my gut was telling me that something was wrong with my genetic makeup... or something like that. Most people said "miscarriages are common," "it will happen when it is supposed to," "God is in control," and while those things may be true, I knew it had to be something else...

This "gut-instinct" led me to a new doctor, one who was suggested to me by a few people as being the "God of all doctors."  I was skeptical, but the minute I met him, I was hooked.  He took the time to listen to our story and to come up with a plan that works for us.  After a month of blood work, it was determined that I do not produce progesterone, so even if I get pregnant, my body will reject that baby (stupid freakin' body). Why couldn't Dr. N tell that us after the first miscarriage? Well regardless, he didn't, and now we have a plan with Dr. T.

Today is cd5 (cycle day 5), so I took Femara this morning.  I will take Femara on cd5-9 and then meet with Dr. T on April 10th to see if I have any follicles on my ovaries.  The goal is to have a couple follicles on each ovary.  From there, I will use OPK (ovulation predictor kits) to check when I ovulate.  If I ovulate, well, then you get the idea :) If I don't, then I will need to give myself a trigger shot to make myself ovulate.  From there, it is a 2ww (two week wait) until I can POAS (pee on a stick) check if I am pregnant.  I am not too hopeful that it will happen right away, since it took us almost a year with both pregnancies, but I am trying to remain at peace, and hold onto a little bit of hope, that things will work in our favor.  

The awful, yet nice thing about this is that I know two people going to the same doctor, for similar things, so we can all help each other. I am the late bloomer in the group, so they actually help me, but they make me feel like I am not alone.  God has a funny way of doing things, doesn't He?  Until next time...

God bless!

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